Slow Food Hawaii

Good, clean, fair food for all.

Ono and Pono

The mission of Slow Food is good, clean and fair food for all, or in Hawaiian "ono and pono." Our vision is a world in which all people can eat food that is good for them, good for the people who grow it, and good for the planet.


Slow Food Hawaii

We are a member-supported educational non-profit organization run by an all-volunteer Leadership team and network of volunteers who help with events and operations. 

Through our events and programs, we

  • Advocate for renewed interest in and support for our local food culture
  • Promote biodiverse and sustainable producers and purveyors on our a'ina and in our ocean

  • Bring people together to rediscover the pleasures of the table 

About the International Movement

Slow Food first began as a small Italian association in 1986. Led by Carlo Petrini, Slow Food was created as a grassroots response to the increasing industrialization of food and standardization of taste. Carlo recognized that with the rise of fast food, thousands of food varieties and food traditions were disappearing, and that people were losing the connection between the plate and the planet.

To counter the fast food trend, Slow Food promotes alternatives to industrial food and farming, raises awareness of how our food impacts the environment, and supports the workers who produce our food.

Slow Food has grown rapidly since its birth in 1986, and today has more than 100,000 members with chapters in over 150 countries.

Read our Chapter Bylaws Here.

© Slow Food Hawaii